The revenue pathway: Positioning

Do you know where your business needs to focus in order to start driving revenue? This is often the focus of our work at Ferarrio Consulting, to help a company realise its growth potential. And the answer is usually to be found on the revenue pathway. This series of nine elements – from Vision to structure and delivery – are each key areas to work on, though which are of the most importance will vary from business to business and its stage of development.

A fundamental stumbling block for many companies is positioning – but getting it right will make an exponential difference, as I explain here.

How to define positioning

Positioning is essentially the same thing as brand awareness. It is how you look to the market and how visible you are – and then, it is understanding this in order to leverage it better. The language you use to communicate with the world is all-important when it comes to positioning.

Why positioning impacts growth

Leveraging your position in the market is a growth strategy because it will lead you to focus on the right clients and relationships and present your business correctly to them. For example, if you’re a premium business focusing on a premium market, your positioning, language and how you go to that market needs to be geared totally towards that market. Sales – and growth – will follow. It is often said that without clear positioning it is hard to create and maintain strategic partnerships and relationships with the right clients.

Know who is your ideal client, how they experience you, what they buy from you and why they buy you is the key positioning conversation!

If you would like to find out more about where your business needs to focus in order to grow and thrive, I’d love to have a conversation. Drop me a line to have a chat!
