
The revenue pathway: Structure

The revenue pathway is a list of nine things you might focus on in your business in order to facilitate growth. Whether it’s working on the culture of the business or its positioning in the market, there will always be two to three elements that are key to the company achieving its goals. And it’s our job, at Ferarrio Consulting, to help our clients figure out which ones are most important at their respective stage of development. However, as soon as I explain the pathway to a business owner or team, it usually takes no time for them to see where the hard work needs to happen! Here, I’d like…

The revenue pathway: Positioning

Do you know where your business needs to focus in order to start driving revenue? This is often the focus of our work at Ferarrio Consulting, to help a company realise its growth potential. And the answer is usually to be found on the revenue pathway. This series of nine elements – from Vision to structure and delivery – are each key areas to work on, though which are of the most importance will vary from business to business and its stage of development. A fundamental stumbling block for many companies is positioning – but getting it right will make an exponential difference, as I explain…

The revenue pathway: Culture

While every business is different, there are some rules that can be universally applied. In my work as a strategic business coach and consultant at Ferarrio Consulting, I’m often asked where a company needs to focus in order to start driving revenue. There are no quick fixes, but a good first exercise is to consider the nine elements of the revenue pathway. This list highlights routes to revenue growth, from structure and positioning to culture – and all businesses will find things they need to work on within those nine. To give you a taster, here’s more detail on the one that is the…

Securing your business Vision is a Must

Most business owners spend their time managing their business in the today – today’s revenue, today’s clients, today’s sales – today’s issues. Whilst in many ways understandable and important to focus on the Today, the implication of short-term focus is lack of planning for the future. This lack of planning and strategic will impact on all of today’s choices: who you hire, what investment you need, what clients you really want. Everything about how you run your business today. It is vital that you start with the end in mind. “A great player skates to where the puck is going to be” (Wayne…

The Real Rendezvous Podcast

Episode 18 featuring founder of Ferarrio Consulting Breda Ferarrio is live now! With over 20 years experience as a business coach/consultant, Breda works with business owners and leadership teams, helping them achieve their ambitions through business coaching/consulting. Her holistic approach aids business leaders/owners by identifying and challenging their blind spots: she's the third eye that sees what you/your teams can't see. She shares so many gems on why businesses fail, how they succeed, importance of culture, dynamics of leadership and burn out. We're so excited to celebrate the start…

How is your business really feeling?

Understanding the energy of a business is key to making strategic choices when it comes to its future. The first thing I notice when we go into a business is how it feels. And when we’re doing a piece of consulting or coaching work, this is where we like to start: with the energy of the business. It’s one of the most important aspects to assess and understand. Of course, the profit  revenue and commercial growth are relevant and vital, the key however is understanding the impact that energy has on those aspects of the business. If the energy isn’t right in a business, – and must address it.…

Demystifying coaching and consulting – and introducing the new management style

If you open up your business and yourself to change, the results can be surprising and hugely rewarding – both personally and professionally When people ask me what I do, I answer with some variation on the following: ‘I run a business that works with people who want to grow their business’. I don’t say, ‘I’m a coach’, because people have pre-conceived impressions when they hear the words coaching or consulting. You may still find the occasional person who thinks you’re an old-style life coach who is going to make them hug a tree! The businesses we work with vary across all sectors and are…